1. Brief description

Blockchain based certificates

The Saymatik Web3 Wallet, a mobile app developed by Scimatic Inc., features a “Certificates” function on its main page, which displays all blockchain-based certificates the user has obtained. This function operates through a smart contract hosted on SHB. For the first time, SciMatic issued blockchain-based certificates to attendees of the Web Summit held in Lisbon, Portugal, from November 13-16, 2023, with financial support from the Istanbul Development Agency. The data and certificates stored on the blockchain are immutable, ensuring they cannot be deleted or hacked. These certificates are securely held in your decentralized personal wallet, the Saymatik Web3 Wallet. Even if you lose your wallet, you can recover it by entering a set of 12 mnemonic words.

2. Certification method

Setup your Saymatik Web3 Wallet app:

  1. Download the Saymatik Web3 Wallet from the Play Store for Android or the App Store for iOS and complete the setup. Take a screenshot of the 12 mnemonic keywords provided during the setup process, as you will need to click them in the correct order during installation. These keywords also serve as your recovery keys in case you lose your wallet.
  2. Once the setup is completed, you will see your wallet address on the top of the main screen of the Saymatik Web3 Wallet, which starts with 0x (e.g., 0xb794f5ea0ba39494ce839613fffba74279579268). Click on this address, copy it, and send it to info@saymatik.com to receive 100 SCI coins as a gift. You will need SCI coins for the blockchain-based certificate application during the event.

During the event:

  • Open the QR code reader from the top main screen of Saymatik Web3 Wallet.
  • Scan the event QR code. Below is the QR code for the 1st International Conference on Chemistry of Medicinal Plants.
  • Enter your name, email address and your organization and click the join event (you need SCI coin for these processes so if you do not have it, send your wallet address to info@saymatik.com)
  • On the main screen of Saymatik web3 wallet, click “Certificates”. You will see your event of registration. You have a blockchain based certificate now for that event. However that is not verified. The certificate can be verified by the admin of the event during the event days only (1-3 July, 2024 in this case).
  • in later steps, we will send you nicely formatted pdfs also.
  • Pakistan’s perspective on first time introduction etc
  • We are proud to bring you the first ever blockchain based certificates for an event in Pakistan.
